Discover What Evanston and Uinta County Economic Development Can Do For You

Discover What Evanston and Uinta County Economic Development Can Do For You Main Photo

2 May 2022


Economic development organizations are often asked, “What exactly do you do?” In light of Economic Development Week (EDW), May 9–13, now is the perfect time to spotlight how Evanston and Uinta County Economic Development answers that question.

Evanston, Wyoming, is the next frontier on the Wasatch Front, trending with positive economic growth due in part to cheap energy rates, lack of corporate taxes, location advantages, shovel-ready sites, and available commercial properties. Located about an hour outside of Salt Lake City, Uinta County’s wide-open spaces, affordability, and quality of life are unparalleled. The area has all the elements for economic success, but the team at Evanston and Uinta County Economic Development can be considered the catalyst for making it happen. 

What Evanston and Uinta Economic Development Does

The experienced, professional staff at Evanston and Uinta County Economic Development work to retain and enhance existing businesses, target recruitment of new businesses, build local entrepreneurship, and support infrastructure projects by serving as a one-stop-shop for information, data, and direct support. They connect businesses with local resources, financing solutions, and local incentives, as well as serve as a liaison with the Wyoming Business Council and the incentives they provide.

Economic Development Forethought and Planning

Successful economic development demands planning. It may be hard to connect the dots between something like a water line update and the development of a new restaurant on the opposite side of town, but that is what economic developers do. They see the big picture and assist projects with high returns on investment for the entire community. 

For example, the City of Evanston understood the value high-speed internet adds to business development and workforce attraction. In 2017, they installed 2.2 miles of bundled conduit in Union Center Industrial Park. Now, Allwest Communications is leasing one of those conduits to provide high-speed, low-latency gigabit broadband to industrial users west of town. Across the entire community, Allwest and Centurylink provide high-speed fiber and coax infrastructure.

“Having two providers that invest in broadband infrastructure in Evanston puts the community in a great position to host remote workers as well as industrial and commercial users that need a reliable high-speed connection,” said Rocco O’Neill, Director of Community and Economic Development for the City of Evanston, WY. “I moved to Evanston from Denver, CO, three years ago. My broadband service is just as fast and more affordable than the service I had in the big city.”

Smartly planned economic development:

  • Maintains, increases, and diversifies the tax base
  • Increases revenues faster than the cost of municipal services increase
  • Solidifies business retention
  • Spurs economic vitality  
  • Diversifies commercial and industrial areas
  • Maximizes property through the best use
  • Increases per capita income through job retention and creation
  • Promotes self-sufficiency in the face of state and federal budget issues
  • Builds beneficial partnerships between local governments, businesses, and community members

Economic Development Shapes a Community

A vital community is an employed community. Jobs retained and added can often be directly traced to the forethought, planning, and efforts of economic development mentioned above. Evanston’s diverse business ecosystem includes healthcare, advanced manufacturing, wind farms, aerospace contractors, DoD contracted manufacturers, and more. These businesses not only provide jobs for residents, they also provide services for the community. Additionally, sales tax goes for area needs such as schools, roads, fire safety, and police. Uinta County businesses are an integral part of the social fabric of the community — investing in it and shaping the community’s culture. This all adds up to tremendous growth potential for residents and positions Evanston as a place people want to live and work.

Let Us Assist!

In Evanston, Wyoming, we are on track for the future with a proactive and dynamic business climate, a dedicated and diverse workforce, and a heartfelt, small town attitude! Consider this your invitation to visit our fine community and find out how we can assist you in locating or expanding your business in Evanston. Our experienced staff is prepared to assist site selectors and business executives through the relocation process. Contact us today! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.