Why Evanston?

There are many incentives when you relocate your business to Evanston, Wyoming

  • NO corporate state income tax.
  • NO personal state income tax.
  • NO inventory tax.
  • Local sales tax rate: 5%
  • Community Development Block Grants and other and economic development-related grants administered.
  • Provides grants and loans to local governments and EDOs for community and economic development projects.
  • Challenge Loan Program:
    • Provides low interest loans to community development organizations and businesses.
    • Provides gap financing for projects with a commercial lender.
    • The application, fact sheet and rules and regulations for the Challenge Loan Program are available. Contact us for more details.

Wyoming Workforce Services Training Grants

  • Provides up to $2,000 per employee per fiscal year to an established Wyoming business for an existing employee for training/skills upgrade.
  • Provides up to $4,000 per employee per fiscal year to an established Wyoming business for a new employee for training needs.

For more information about the training grants and other workforce services, please visit www.workforceservices.org. For information on additional incentives and financing solutions, please contact us.

Opportunity Zone

Evanston, Wyoming has a designated Opportunity Zone along I-80. Locating a business, or investing, within this census tract provides multiple financial incentives. In addition, commercial real estate along I-80 makes it easy to reach the Salt Lake City metro, along with the rest of Wyoming. Learn more here.


Business Ready Community Grant and Loan Program

Cities, towns, counties, and joint powers boards are eligible to receive grants and loans to stimulate economic development at the local level.  The typical maximum award is $3 million. These incentives can be used for public infrastructure projects in which a business is committed to locate or expand in the community.  Infrastructure’s definition frequently includes facilities occupied by expanding or relocating companies.  Grants and loans can also be made available for projects in which our community wants to build facilities or install infrastructure to prepare for new business development under a specific strategy or plan of action. 

Managed Data Center Cost Reduction Grant

Through the Business Ready Communities Grant and Loan Program, a data center operator can be reimbursed for electrical and broadband cost by the state of Wyoming.  The grant award maximum is $2.25 million, over a three-year period.  Match is based on award amount and varies with wages paid by the operator.

Workforce Development Training Fund

The State provides two major types of training grants, the Business Training Grants and the Pre-Hire Economic Development Grants.  The Business Training Grants provide opportunities for Wyoming’s new or existing businesses to create new jobs or to complete necessary skill upgrades to stay competitive. The State may award a grant of up to $4,000 per trainee.  The Pre-Hire Economic Development Grants provide pre-employment, industry-specific skills training to develop a work force for businesses or industry when there is a shortage of skilled workers.

Tax Exemptions

Manufacturing Sales Tax Exemption

Fuel for transporters and fuel or power consumed directly in manufacturing or processing is exempt from sales tax. The lease or sale of manufacturing machinery used directly and predominately in the manufacturing process is also exempt from sales/use tax.

Data Center Sales Tax Exemption

For Data Centers with $5 Million investment in capital infrastructure, and an additional $2 Million in data center equipment and software purchases. At $50 Million investment in capital infrastructure, HVAC and UPS system purchases are also sales tax exempt.

Property Tax Exemption

Personal property in transit in interstate commerce, as well as goods manufactured or assembled in Wyoming when the destination is out of state, is exempt from property tax. Pollution-control equipment is exempt from property tax.

If you'd like to learn more about the benefits of moving your business to Evanston, please fill out the form and someone from our economic development department will be in touch! 

Targeted Campaign (October 2020)